Monday, April 7, 2008

Blog Stage Six

The government may not be providing good enough protection at home. One thing any qualified citizen can do is arm oneself. It is one of the basic rights we have as a citizen of the United States. Even those who are not qualified to legally own a firearm do. If the United States is attacked, there are a good number of people who are as ready as one can be. Don’t wait for the government to take action, because it may be too late when the time comes. Most citizens do not have the proper training to defend the nation, but that should not stop anyone from trying. History has shown that letting people defend their country (instead of using trained, well-equipped soldiers) is not the best solution, but being prepared could only help. Militias have fought for the United States since the time of independence. I would rather keep my safety in my hands rather than take a chance relying on others. If you have the resources, use them, and do the best you can with what you have. The crisis will work itself out.

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