Friday, April 18, 2008

Blog Stage 7

We should be concerned with our nation’s problems, before we worry about others. Instead of spending money on the war in Iraq, we should be spending the money in areas where our nation needs it. Our public schools could definitely use the money. Who knows, if our students were better educated, maybe we could figure out a better way to help other nations. The war is taking entirely too much money from our economy. It could be of more use to us in the United States. Our country is in a recession at the moment. We could be using that money to stimulate our economy. We could give a bigger check to our working citizens who will receive money through the stimulus package. I definitely would be OK with that. Wars are expensive. They drive up the cost of materials needed for everyday life such as gasoline and other retail products. The biggest cost of war, of course, is the lives of our soldiers. Also, caring for our veterans will not be cheap. The total cost of the war will not be known any time soon. The benefits of ending the war will outnumber those of continuing the war. Our nation is safe as it is, so we do not need to misuse lives and funds to make an example out of Iraq. The time to end the war is now.

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